As a basis for monitoring, analysis, and decision, INT and the Network shall use a 3-dimensional indicator that measures financial viability, growth, and quality, in order to gauge AFS Organizations' performance over time. The measurements to be used for the dimensions shall be established and may be revised from time to time by the President (or anybody of INT assigned by him) with input from the Network Development Committee (and Partners in general as appropriate).
The three phases, using the yellow and red areas shown in the 3-D tool below as triggers, are measured and defined in the following fashion: Phase I (Watch List): Partner enters into the yellow area above where
- pax month growth/loss between 0.99% and -2%, financial reserves less than 40%, quality below 85% OR
- quality equal to or greater than 85% for a Partner who would otherwise be in Phase II (except when finances equal to or less than 0%) OR
- Partners having been in Phase II or III the prior year.
Phase II (Storm Warning): Partner enters into the red area (typically 2 of 3 key indicators turn red):
- pax month loss is -2% or more, financial reserves less than 15%, quality below 85% OR
- regardless of pax month activity or quality, financial reserves equal to or less than 0%.
Phase III (Chronic Crisis): Partner remains in the red zone for any 3 out of the past 4 years.
Partners in Phase III on track to improve out of the “red” zone remain in Phase III during the first year of health improvement and move into Phase I during the second consecutive year of health improvement for the purposes of additional monitoring and support.
For more detailed information please refer here or contact Hristo Banov (
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) at MIU.